Adeptus Mechanicus, genellikle Mars Ruhbanlığı olarak da bilinen ve Imperium içerisined teknolojik bilgi monopolisi olan bir organizasyondur. Ocak Gezegenleri Imperium'un en güçlü ve gelişmiş silah ve ekipmanlarını üretmektedir. Organizasyon'un ehilleri, Tech-priest'lar Imperium'un teknolojik olarak gelişmiş ekipmanlarının çoğunun idamesinde önemli rol oynar. Bunlara Emperor'ın yaşamını sürdürdüğü Altın Taht da dahildir.[1]
Kayda değer Adeptus Mechanicus üyeleri[düzenle]
- Fabrikatör Yüzbaşı Oud Oudia Raskian[12]
- Fabrikatör Yüzbaşı Zagreus Kane[4]
- Archmagos Belisarius Cawl[13]
- Archmagos Inar Satarael[14]
- Magos Delphan Gruss[15]
- Magos Paladius[16]
- Magos Vianco Locard[17]
- Magos Felicia Tayber[18]
- Magos Varnak[19]
- Tekno Arkeolojist Arkhan Land[20]
- Etolph Cycerin — Kaos'a döndü[21]
- Hieronomus Tezla — Stygies VIII Runik Rahibi[22]
- Tilvius[23]
Alakalı makaleler[düzenle]
- 1: Codex Imperialis (Background Book), syf. 41-46
- 2: White Dwarf 178 (UK) - The Titan Legions
- 3: Realm of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned, syf. 169
- 4: Mechanicum (Novel), Chapter 1.02, syf. 56
- 5: Games Workshop (Page since taken offline, no archived version found)
- 6: The Horus Heresy Book One - Betrayal, syf. 17–19
- 7: Codex: Cult Mechanicus (7th Edition) - The Blessed Priests of the Omnissiah
- 7a: Tech Priest Dominus
- 8: Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook, syf. 170
- 9: The Binary Succession (Audio Drama)
- 10: Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus (8th Edition), syf. 8 - Strategic Disposition of a Forge World
- 10a Cover interior
- 11: Rynn's World (Novel), Chapter 4
- 12: Watchers of the Throne: The Emperor's Legion (Novel), Tieron Chapter 2
- 13: Warhammer Community
- 14: The Horus Heresy Book Three, syf. 216–217
- 14: syf.200-205
- 15: Inquisitor Rulebook, syf. 13
- 16: Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade
- 17: Warriors of Ultramar (Novel), Chapter 4
- 18: Death or Glory (Novel), Chapter 3
- 19: Codex: Tyranids (5th Edition), syf. 9
- 20: Bringer of Sorrow (Short Story)
- 21: The Chapter's Due (Novel), Chapter 5
- 22: White Dwarf 261 (UK), syf. 65
- 23: White Dwarf 174 (UK) - The Razorback
- 24: Belisarius Cawl: The Great Work (Novel), Chapter 23
- 25: Fanatic 60, Corpus Auxilla Mechanicus
- 26: Gamma-Zhul-881 (Sourcebook), Gamma-Zhul-881
- 27: Dark Heresy: The Lathe Worlds
- 28: Deathwatch Core Rulebook, syf. 166
- 29: Rogue Trader: The Navis Primer, syf. 65
- 30: Dark Heresy: The Radical's Handbook, syf. 189
- 31: Dark Heresy: Disciples of the Dark Gods, syf. 41
- 32: Dataslate: Officio Assassinorum, The Chains that Bind
- 33: Dark Heresy: Creatures Anathema, syf. 29
- 34: Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress, syf. 22
- 35: Imperial Armour Volume Ten, syf. 96
- 36: Codex: Chaos Knights (8th Edition), syf. 68 - Artefacts of Tyranny: The Diamonas
- 37: Psychic Awakening: Engine War, syf. 4
- 38: Collected Visions, syf. 43
- 39: Inquis Exterminatus The enemy within
- 40: The Horus Heresy Book Nine syf.21
- 41: Flesh and Steel (Novel)
- 42: White Dwarf 111 (UK), syf. 50
- Warhammer 40,000 4th Edition Rulebook, The Adeptus Mechanicus
- Specialist Games: Inquisitor (Game): Explorator Warbands